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Hocus Pocus Walking Tour

I might have a slight obsession with all things Halloween. It is hands down my favorite holiday, I love it more than Christmas and my birthday (which says a lot considering I get presents those days). I love scary movies about witches, vampires, and werewolves. I like the cold and gloomy weather, and I love decorating.

I might have an even bigger obsession with Hocus Pocus. I watched it over and over as a child. As an adult, I do the same. I have seen it so many times I know it word for word, line by line. It's to the point that when my friends see anything Hocus Pocus related, they immediately call or tag me to in on social media.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Sanderson Sisters gracing us with their spells and black flame candle. As such, it was only right that I celebrate with a pilgrimage to Salem for Halloween. Unfortunately all of the tours were sold out (I'm obviously not the only superfan out there...). However, that wasn't going to stop us, so we planned our own tour. There are seven (7) main locations to see on your trek across Salem.

1. Old Burial Hill in Marblehead - 50 Orne St - Where the daytime cemetery scenes were filmed. This is where Max lost his shoes to Jay and Ice.

"My names not Ernie no more. It's Ice!"

We didn't have a car, and on the day we were to go to Burial Hill there was a massive thunderstorm. While we weren't able to make it out there, I hope that you can on your trip. Burial Hill is one of the oldest cemeteries in America (opened in 1638).

2. Salem Pioneer Village in Forest River Park - 32 Clifton Ave - Opening scene's with Thackery and Emily

"What hath thou done with Thackery!"

We first see Pioneer Village when Thackery wakes up and notices little sister Emily missing. The village was originally built in the 1930's for a play in the park. Realizing the interest the population had in it, the city of Salem reopened it as a museum a few months later. It was the first living history museum to open in the United States. The Sanderson cottage was built on a sound stage and is not located in the park.

Make sure to plan accordingly. The park is open from June to September, and then on certain Saturday's during the month of October.

3. Max and Dani's House - 4 Ocean Avenue

The couple that owns the house was extremely lovely. They even had props for the tourists! This is my friend with a jar of salt, I'm on the broom with Book :-)

"Only a ring of salt can protect you."

The house was built in the 1870's. The movie makes the house look quite large, in reality it is only 3 bedrooms and around 1,300 square feet. All of the interior shots of the house were done on Hollywood sound stages.

4. Phillips Elementary School - 56 Washington Square Street - The exterior was used for John Bailey High School, which is where Max and Allison went to High School.

Phillips Elementary School was shut down a year before Hocus Pocus filmed. We first meet Max and Allison at John Bailey, and are introduced to the school again when the witches are burned in the art room kiln.

"Bonjour. Je voudrais mon livre."

5. Salem Commons - The park across the street from Phillips Elementary School.

This beautiful park was the backdrop for Allison giving Max back the piece of paper that had his phone number on it.

6. Old Town Hall - 32 Derby Square - Halloween Party

32 Derby was used as the exterior location for the party that Max and Dani’s parents attend. Old Town Hall was built around 1816 and is the oldest surviving municipal building in Salem.

"Dance, dance, dance until you die!!!"

Walking back from our own Halloween party, I couldn't resist stopping for a picture in front of Town Hall in my own green witch's costume and cape!

"I put a spell on you..."

7. Ropes Mansion - 318 Essex Street - The outside of the mansion used for Allison's House.

"Max likes your yaboo's. In fact, he loves them."

It was sad to see it looking so drab. I’m surprised they didn’t have it decorated for Halloween.

Salem is truly a magical place that embraces Hocus Pocus whole heartedly!

I will definitely be going back! Check back soon for another post on the rest of our trip to Salem (including several amazing places to eat)!

-Until the next adventure!

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